Know Your Rights Access Resources And Coverage For Mental Health

There is no one but you to be the only one who is suffering from mental illness or substance abuse disorder. In California, one in six adults experiences a mental illness of some kind and 8 percent fulfill the requirements for a substance use disorders. However, only one-third of adults who need mental health services get these services. The rate is even lower for substance use disorders: A mere 10 percent get the care they need. There are laws to assure you and your loved ones receive the attention they require.

Know Your Rights

Struggling with a ADHD Testing can be very difficult. If you're feeling overwhelmed there is a way to seek treatment. Both federal and state law apply to the health insurance coverage for mental health and substance use disorders in California.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. The federal law that is part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) stipulates that mental and behavioral healthcare services should be covered. They include inpatient mental and behavioral healthcare services, as well as treatment for addiction disorders. All health plans that comply with the ACA cover nearly all mental disorders as well in substance abuse disorders and treatment for chemical dependence.

Additionally, federal law provides certain protections for substance use and mental health disorder benefits to ensure they are protected in the same manner like other surgical and medical procedures. This means that things like the amount of deductibles, days or visits covered or the method by which the care is provided must be similar for Safe Haven eBehavioral Health and substance usage as they are for other medical benefits.

California law adds security to your health by requiring that every health plan run by the state must provide coverage for certain mental health issues.

Major depressive problems

Autism or pervasive developing problem

Bipolar disorder

Panic disorder


Schizoaffective disorder

Obsessive-compulsive condition

Anorexia A. nervosa

Bulimia nervosa

Children with severe emotional problems who are younger than

All of these serious illnesses require urgent attention. Access to care is possible for everyone, and a health plan can make it more affordable and accessible. The health insurance plan must cover outpatient diagnosis and treatment, inpatient hospital services, partial hospitalization diagnostics, outpatient services, and prescription drugs (if your health insurance plan covers prescriptions) in the same conditions as other medical condition.

Start Your Path to Treatment

If you are in need of help and assistance, begin your path to treatment today. If you are able to get support as soon as you need it, the sooner you can start to recover. With certain health plans, you can make an appointment with an Safe Haven eBehavioral Health health care professional However, for others, you may need an appointment from your primary care physician or health insurance. Visit the website of your insurance provider or dial the number located on your membership card to learn more. You can also contact your behavioral health number directly if you are covered by an insurance plan. It's important that you ask for help, and that help is available for both you and your loved ones.


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