Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements: Do you need to Take These?

health and wellbeing

We all know that healthy nutrition is crucial to maintain healthy health. It's difficult to believe that the food we consume is good enough, when we hear of "immune boosters" and other new supplements.

Taking a daily dose of any of the single minerals, vitamins, or multivitamin/mineral supplement that line the shelves of drug and grocery stores can seem tempting. According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, "Nutritional requirements should be fulfilled primarily through food and beverages specifically nutrient dense foods and beverages."

The Dietary Guidelines recognize that there might be a requirement for some people to take supplements at certain moments in their lives. It is important to consider the security of taking supplements in these cases. High amounts of some minerals and vitamins can result in health problems.

Who could benefit from the supplement?

Americans aren't at risk of nutrient deficiencies However, it is still possible to have deficiencies even without fortifying foods or taking supplements.

Infants and Toddlers

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends beginning vitamin D supplements for breastfed infants within the first few days of their life. Vitamin D is found in formulas for infants, however, infants might require supplements with vitamin D if they consume less than the recommended daily amount.

Breastmilk is a great source of nutrients, however full-term infants need to be supplemented with iron by 4 months. The AAP suggests an iron supplement for infants that are exclusively breastfed until they begin complementary feeding. Then iron-rich foods are encouraged, such as pureed meats or fortified infant cereals. It is important to consult your baby's pediatrician before giving any supplement for your baby. You can find out more information about benefits of taking vitamins everyday  by visiting the Dailylifesupplements site.


To reduce the chance of birth defects, pregnant women should consume 400 mg folate daily from fortified foods or supplements. Folic acid is found in a variety of foods, including fruit and vegetables. Most grain products in the US are supplemented with folate.

When pregnant women are also at risk of developing other nutritional deficiencies, such as iron, choline, and iodine. A doctor might recommend additional supplements based on the foods you eat.

Senior Adults

Vitamin B12 and vitamin D can get more difficult to access as we get older. Vitamin D is also found in certain fortified food items, such as breakfast cereals and meat substitutes. Vitamin D can be found in fatty fish, fortified milk, and certain cereals fortified with vitamin D. Selecting food sources that supply the necessary nutrients is advised, but a supplement may be necessary.

Special Medical Conditions

Food choices for those with a restricted diet or medical conditions such as celiac disease are at greater risk of nutrient deficiencies. This is particularly true for those who eat vegan or vegetarian diets. It is important to plan meals with greater care to satisfy their nutrient needs. Incorporating fortified food items and drinks can be beneficial. If you're interested in brain pills, check out Dailylifesupplements.

Patients who are taking certain medications or who have undergone gastric bypass surgery or any other health and wellness that impacts how their body uses nutrients may require additional supplements.

Talk to your healthcare provider

In order to determine whether a supplement is appropriate for you, your physician may recommend tests. It could be that the results show you're lacking one particular nutrient, or you may find that you're doing perfectly. Registered dietitian nutritionists may also be able to help you assess the foods that you consume and offer recommendations that meet your specific needs. Before you consider supplements, ensure that you examine your own situation and talk to an RDN.


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